The owner of this website is named Gerald Saudan from Switzerland.

He started becoming fascinated with the Madas machines when he was ten years old. At this time, there was no computer science, no network computing, no enterprise computing, but there was a need for tools allowing making easily calculations. The “MADAS” were the ideal support for accounts departments or retail trade.

He has been working for many years as an IT engineer and, after all that time spent in the digital domain, he returned to his first passion. He decided to spend more time for preserving the collective memory of H.W. Egli AG Company, the firm which created the most perfect mechanical calculators.

Many machines have been destroyed for some decades, particularly the “MADAS” models, while people who possessed them, at home or in the office, did not know how important it is to preserve this part of cultural heritage.

It is a small tribute to all the engineers who developed tremendous skills during the first part of the 20th century.